I closed my eyes and I was met with a campfire: its warmth and comfort that it brings after a long day as you are about to endure a long cold night. My view pans around to observe the depth of the cave to my right and the mouth to my left leading to the brisk starry night. As I looked out into the night, I sensed an evil presence soon coming. I then identify my wife comforting our young toddler to sleep. My wife’s features are hidden from me as usual. She has brown/black hair, but that could just be me projecting Emily’s features onto her like I did Cheyenne’s.
Internally, I sense a deep responsibility for the two, and guilt is trying to surface saying “you have done this to your family; you have put them in danger, you have not brought them safety”. Yet a deep love and affection for them both remains, and my hope in Jesus prevails as my thoughts rest in Him. I am unware of the circumstances surrounding our occupation of the cave, but I know it is not ideal and was not by any means planned or desired.
As our toddler faded to sleep, I settle down as well. I am unaware of my wife’s location at this point. I fade to sleep to be met quickly with that dark presence hovering over me. I am powerless and cannot move, but I sense the words come to my mouth “In Jesus name, leave now”. I speak it out in fear, “In Jesus name, leave now.” And again and again in increasing faith in Jesus’ power I say it. It finally leaves, but I see it hovering over my child. I wake him/her up (unsure of its gender) and quietly start talking with her. She felt the evil as I did, and it manifested in her dream. She was afraid, as any toddler would be. I comforted her, but I explained to her that all she needs to do in those situations is to say, “In Jesus name, leave now” and it must leave. Jesus says so himself.
I tell her to say it and she does. Peace falls upon her immediately.
I embrace her again in my arms, and start to explain that whenever she has that same sense of fear come upon her, that you say exactly those words in faith no matter how scary it is. “In Jesus name, Leave now.” It has to listen. I give some disclaimer to this though, it is not for when she is angry or frustrated with us or another person, but only when you have that scary fear when you feel someone or something is about to hurt you.